
Showing posts from September, 2017

What I want to achieve - day minus 5

Three years ago I took the step of doing the #100dayshappy challenge. I did it in the form of taking a photo or posting on Facebook every day for 100 consecutive days. I would post about something that had made me happy that day, even if it was a fleeting moment. I needed to teach myself how to be happy again. It had been just over a year since I had lost my husband to cancer, leaving me with our 3 month old son and living in a foreign country. I had to go back to work quickly to support us, move my job from the USA to the UK, buy a house, pack up and move and generally survive day to day looking after myself and my son. That first year was all adrenaline and when it dropped after that first year I was incredibly low. I couldn't imagine the future, all I could see what what had been taken away. By about half way through the 100 days, my posts had changed from the mundane, slightly forced to real achievements and finding myself again. Towards the end I started dating again and met...