Day 13: expressing creativity at work

One of my other posts was about enjoying my job and feeling I am making a difference. This last week has been tough with work and I have had to be in at the weekend as well. Today I am celebrating planning ahead to things I would like to do with my job role. I am happy to have the freedom to decide things to work on and to have the space in which to do them. I frequently complain about how science doesn't pay compared to the level of education and technical skill needed but at the end of the day I can spend time discussing cool science and setting up experiments in the lab. Nice to be able to look ahead for once as well and realise I do have lots of ideas. These are my fluorescently dyed cells which I think are pretty cool. The last one is a single mammalian cell in a well which will grow to form a cell population which can be scaled up to produce a therapeutic antibody for use in patients.